"Antibiotics, the host microbiome and superbugs" Richmond Academy of Medicine, Ramifications, Winter 2017, Volume 23, No.1
"Zika virus: The latest pandemic" Richmond Academy of Medicine, Ramifications, Fall 2016, Volume 23, No.3
Lister Revisited-Skin Antisepsis before Fracture Fixation The New England Journal of Medicine 2024; 390: 466-7
"A Guide to Infection Control in the Hospital." Editors: Wenzel RP, Edmond M, Pittet D, Devaster J-M, Geddes A, Butzler J-P. Hamilton, London: B.C. Decker Inc., 1998. Croatian translation - 1999; Spanish translation - 2000; Polish translation - 2001. 2nd edition - 2002. French translation - 2002. Greek translation - 2002. Russian translation - 2003. 3rd edition - 2004. 4th edition – 2008 with Chinese translation in 2008. Over 60,000 copies have been distributed free of charge to health care workers in the developing world countries by the end of 2008
Minimizing Surgical site infections-Editorial The New England Journal of Medicine 2010; 362: 75-7
The antibiotic pipeline-challenges, costs and values Editorial The New England Journal of Medicine 2004; 351: 523-6